January 2024
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HKU Law kicks off its 55th Anniversary Celebration with Iconic Tramcar
Happy Chinese New Year!
Research & Knowledge Exchange
The Limits of Deduction in the Identification of Customary International Law (Massimo Lando)
Domestic Criticisms of Foreign Judges (Simon Young)
An Emergent Planetary Health Law (Eric Ip)
Characterization (and Registration) of a “BRI Dispute (Jamieson Kirkwood)
Judging Under Authoritarianism (Julius Yam)
Michael Jackson joins the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong
Ying Zhu awarded the 3rd prize at the 9th Qian Duan-sheng Award
45 students awarded Pro Bono and Community Work Student Awards
Visitors and Global Exchange
Welcomed over 25 institutional visitors, guest speakers, and visiting researchers and scholars, including 98 exchange students in 2023
Master of Laws Application for Entry in 2024-25
The HKU Summer Institute 2024 programme “Future Legal Professionals” is now open for applications!
Des Voeux Chambers Cambridge-HKU Visiting Fellowship Renewed
Upcoming Events
Future Law Innovation Programme: Lawtech and the Development of Legal Education in Singapore (Feb 2)
The Common Law Lecture Series: Knowing Receipt after Byers v Saudi National Bank (Feb 5)
Governing Our Planetary Emergency: Reflecting on Necessary Transformations in International Law and Institutions (Feb 5)
Rule of Law Backsliding and the Response by European Courts (ECtHR and CJEU) (Feb 7)
Law, Technological Management and the Future of Agency (Feb 20)
Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe (Feb 20)
United Nations Role in International Tax Order: Past, Present and Future (Feb 28)
Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System (Feb 29)
Superpower Legal Rivalry and the Global Compliance Dilemma (Mar 4)
HKU Public Law Lecture Series 2024: How to Think, and not to Think, about the Rule of Law (Mar 15)
Past Events
WYNG-Hatton Lecture 2023: Smart Regulation for Medical Innovation (Dec 4)
刑法體系中立法與司法的關係重構 (12月8日)
Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence Conference (Dec 14-15)