HKU Law was honoured to host the sixth lecture of the “HKU-Boase Cohen & Collins Lecture Series in Criminal Law” on 27 September 2024 at the Philip K.H. Wong Theatre. We were privileged to have Mr Ian McWalters, former Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, HKSAR, to speak on the topic “The Exercise of Discretion in the Criminal Justice System”. This lecture examined discretionary decision making by law enforcement, prosecutors and judicial officers and how it contributes to the fairness of the criminal justice system. Participants included leading figures from the Judiciary, senior counsel, academics and students. The lecture ended with a Q&A session moderated by Professor Simon Young, HKU Faculty of Law.

(From left) Mr Alex Liu, Managing Partner of Boase Cohen & Collins; Mr Ian McWalters; Professor Simon Young, HKU Faculty of Law

We would like to thank our generous co-sponsor, Boase Cohen & Collins, the speakers for their contributions, and the audience for their warm support.

The speakers of the previous lectures were The Hon Mr Geoffrey Ma, GBM (2022), Lord Ken Macdonald QC (2021), Geoffrey Robertson QC (2019), Edward Fitzgerald QC (2018) and Clare Montgomery QC (2017).