The Rule of Law Education (‘ROLE’) Project has wrapped up its programme for this academic year with its two final legal talks conducted by our student representatives respectively at Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College on 4 July on the topic of “Adolescents and Law Obedience: School/Cyber Bullying and Personal Data Privacy” and at the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education on 10 July under the title “Common Law, the Court System and Legal Profession in Hong Kong.”

The ROLE Project has made another year of impact by coordinating 16 legal seminars and workshops at primary/secondary schools and other institutes, reaching over 1,200 audience members!  Behind the success is having a competent and committed team that works together, as well as the trust of our work partners and the opportunities they offer for our students to learn and share their knowledge with the younger generation and future leaders.

About the Rule of Law Education (‘ROLE’) Project

The ROLE Project is a Knowledge Exchange initiative established in 2012 under the Faculty of Law at HKU, with an aim to enhance the knowledge of the general public, and secondary school students among others, towards the rule of law and various basic legal principles and concepts in Hong Kong.